Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tired of Being Ruled by Self Anointed Elites?

Eric Hoffer, longshoreman philosopher, said, "The intellectuals and the young, booted and spurred, feel themselves born to ride us."  

Elite Pundits of all political persuasions are still scratching their heads over the momentum and emerging longevity of the various "Tea Party" elements. All of the pundits are looking for political reasons for the emergence and persistence of the movement.  They are looking in the wrong place.  They profoundly misunderstand the American psyche.  The great majority of Americans is profoundly apolitical.  It only becomes political when it becomes unsafe to be apolitical.  Citizen soldiers don't leave their farms, families, occupations, schools and churches behind to wage petty political battles.  They love their families, occupations, communities and churches too much for that.

American patriots are among the most patient and tolerant people in the world.  They suffer indignities and oppressions which would drive the average Frenchman insane.  In 2009, intelligent, "ordinary" American patriots spontaneously became fed up.  "Fed up with what?" you may ask.  Fed up with self appointed, arrogant, snotty and not all that smart elites.  Party and political philosophy are in the background.

Intelligent, prudent Americans have had enough with lightly qualified, self important "pundits", politicians, "journalists" and pseudo-intellectuals dictating the terms of their lives.  The ignorant, arrogant, drunken, uninvited "guests" at the family picnic have overstayed their welcome.  It is time to throw them all out.

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